
Stephanie J. Block, Megan Hilty and Allison Janney - I Just Might Soundtrack Lyrics

Stephanie J. Block, Megan Hilty and Allison Janney – I Just Might Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “9 To 5” Musical (2009) ]  Judy:
What to do and where to start,
Things are falling all apart,
Trying to move ahead,
But keep losin’ ground instead.
Still I have to take a chance,
Putting fear and doubt aside,
Had no warning in advance.
Nothin’ left to do but try. And I just might make it work,
I just might make it after all,
I just might rise above the hurt
Though I suffered quite a fall
But I have to get a grip,
Hold onto it like a vise, hmm
Have to face the fallen chips
I just might make it, I just might. Doralee:
You’re the one that keeps me strong,
You’re the shoulder I lean on Violet:
Hard to swallow pride Doralee:
When I think I’ve had enough
I think of you and toughen up Violet:
I know the truth inside Doralee:
Love’s a weapon and a tool
And I am nobody’s fool Violet:
I’m nobody’s fool Doralee:
I’ll just try to right what’s wrong All:
And just keep on keepin’ on
But I just might make it work
I just might make it after all Violet & Judy:
I just might make it Judy:
Just might rise above the hurt
Though I suffered quite a fall Doralee:
I just might live to see the day Violet:
I can say hey, I’m alright
I’m alright
I’m alright Judy:
Have to go on either way All:
Rise above it,
I just might,
Be stronger than I know
Well, I might really be surprised Judy:
Gotta get on with my life All:
I just might make it…
I just might. [Stephanie J. Block, Megan Hilty and Allison Janney – I Just Might Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 9 To 5 Musical (2009)
Name "9 To 5" Musical (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Stephanie J. Block, Megan Hilty and Allison Janney - I Just Might Soundtrack Lyrics

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