
Allison Janney, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble - Potion Notion Soundtrack Lyrics

Allison Janney, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble – Potion Notion Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “9 To 5” Musical (2009) ]  Violet:
A little bit of this,
A bit of something else,
A secret little potion
I’ll conjure up myself. I’m not a vicious person,
I just don’t want him here,
So I’ll make a magic mixture,
And make him disappear. Li-li-li-li!
Got a notion for a potion,
Just leave it to me! Violet & Ensemble:
In the magic kingdom
We respect each other’s rights.
That’s right!
We’re not allowed to steal
The magic from another’s life
That’s not right! I’m hoping that this potion
Just might neutralize
All the bad and evil things
He seems to hold inside! Hart:
Violet! Coffee! Violet:
It mixes well with many things,
Coffee is the best.
So I’ll mix him up a little batch
And bring it to his desk. Come on, let off a little steam
It’s good to clear the head.
It really does work wonders,
It’s magic like I said, Oh! Hart:
I think you put something in my coffee. Violet:
Uh huh ah ah ah ah hah! Hart:
I think you poisoned my coffee! HAAAAH! Is it because I’m a sexist – Violet:
Egotistical Hart:
Lying – Violet:
Hypocritical – Hart:
Bigot? Violet:
Uh huh! Time for you to fly! Hart:
NO! [Allison Janney, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble – Potion Notion Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 9 To 5 Musical (2009)
Name "9 To 5" Musical (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Allison Janney, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble - Potion Notion Soundtrack Lyrics

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