
Stephanie J. Block, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble - The Dance O' Death Soundtrack Lyrics

Stephanie J. Block, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble – The Dance O’ Death Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “9 To 5” Musical (2009) ]  Judy:
Hey you guys, I had this image of Hart, running for his life and the whole office is out to get him and hunt him down… Hello, Big Boy. Hart:
Do I know you? Judy:
I hardly think you would
I’m just your unknown office drone,
Unnoticed but quite good. Hart:
God, you’re sexy, I must say!
Oh, I’da noticed you.
I’ll bet you’re quite a dancer. Judy:
I’ve got one leg up on you. Hart:
I’ll follow you. Judy:
I fantasize about you
And being here like this. Hart:
You do? Judy:
Oh yes, I’ve always longed to be
The last one that you kissed. Hart:
Who knew? Judy:
Hold you close, whisper in your ear
Dance with you ‘gainst my breast. Hart:
Well, let’s. Judy:
Yes, let’s live out this fantasy…
The kiss, the dance o’death.
Ay ay ay ay ay ay Come on, Big Boy; Yes, I will lead
And you’ll do as I say.
Get down, get up, am I too rough?
Oh how I’ll dance upon your grave!
Ay ay ay ay ay ay Come on, sweetheart, and dance with me
I’ll show you how it feels
We’ll dance real fast,
I’ll kick your ass for everyone that you provoked! I’ll spin you ’round,
I’ll throw you down
I’ll pounce upon your heart!
We’ll dance a bit, then end like this…
Stiletto in your private parts! Hart:
Oh, God. Judy:
Whew, that was good for me, was it good for you? Cigarette? Hart:
I don’t smoke. Judy:
You wanna start? Hart:
Not me. I plan to live a long time. Judy:
I don’t think so. Hart:
Hey, hey, hey! Is it because I’m a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical, bigot? Judy:
Bingo. By the way, the name is Judy.
COPY THAT! [Stephanie J. Block, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble – The Dance O’ Death Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 9 To 5 Musical (2009)
Name "9 To 5" Musical (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Stephanie J. Block, Marc Kudisch and Ensemble - The Dance O' Death Soundtrack Lyrics

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