
Daniel Merriweather - A Little Bit Better Soundtrack Lyrics

Daniel Merriweather – A Little Bit Better Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Arthur” Movie (2011) ]  Sometimes I feel like I fail you
Pulling you under
I seemed to have wandered
Far from the truth So disappointing
There’s always tomorrow
Drowning my sorrows
Or are they drowning me? Now I’m coming,
We should be together
Won’t you hold the phone
It’ll be like before but a little bit better Now I’m running
We can run together
When I’m down you know
It’ll be like before but a little bit better Hold on…
Sometimes I feel like the city
Is pulling against me
Things will get better
This much I know All this temptation
It gets in between us
And I remember You told me
All that glitters ain’t gold
Now I’m coming,
We should be together
Won’t you hold the phone
It’ll be like before but a little bit better Now I’m running
We can run together
When I’m down you know
It’ll be like before but a little bit better When I thought that I was right
Couldn’t be more wrong
Baby so you know….now…I’m coming Now I’m coming,
We should be together
Won’t you hold the phone
It’ll be like before but a little bit better I’m running
We can run together
When I’m down you know
It’ll be like before but a little bit better Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah You know, you know, you know, you know, you know
It’ll be like before but a little bit better [Daniel Merriweather – A Little Bit Better Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Arthur Movie (2011)
Name "Arthur" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Daniel Merriweather - A Little Bit Better Soundtrack Lyrics

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