
Fitz & The Tantrums - Arthur's Theme / Best That You Can Do Soundtrack Lyrics

Fitz & The Tantrums – Arthur’s Theme / Best That You Can Do Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Arthur” Movie (2011) ]  Once in your life you find her
Someone that turns your heart around
And next thing you know you’re closing down the town
Wake up and it’s still with you
Even though you left her way across town
Wondering to yourself, “Hey, what’ve I found?” When you get caught between the Moon and New York City
I know it’s crazy, but it’s true
If you get caught between the Moon and New York City
The best that you can do ……
The best that you can do is fall in love Arthur he does as he pleases
All of his life, he’s mastered choice
Deep in his heart, he’s just, he’s just a boy
Living his life one day at a time
And showing himself a really good time
Laughing about the way they want him to be When you get caught between the Moon and New York City
I know it’s crazy, but it’s true
If you get caught between the Moon and New York City
The best that you can do …..
The best that you can do is fall in love When you get caught between the Moon and New York City
I know it’s crazy, but it’s true
If you get caught between the Moon and New York City
The best that you can do …..
The best that you can do is fall in love [Fitz & The Tantrums – Arthur’s Theme / Best That You Can Do Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Arthur Movie (2011)
Name "Arthur" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Fitz & The Tantrums - Arthur's Theme / Best That You Can Do Soundtrack Lyrics

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