
Daniel Merriweather - Dazed Soundtrack Lyrics

Daniel Merriweather – Dazed Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Arthur” Movie (2011) ]  (First verse)
Today I saw the morning sun
I realized the things I’ve done
I’ve tried to be a man
I know that you don’t understand The love I thought I had it its gone
I’m trying to work about from wrong
To see your face again
But I know that you don’t understand
But that’ll change tomorrow (Chorus)
People might say that I’m dazed but,
I’m only in love with you
Walking around in a haze but,
I’m only in love with you. Thinking to drown my sorrow
I’ll figure it out tomorrow
But I look in your eyes and then suddenly
Everything is clearer again….
(Chorus end) (Pause) (Second verse)
Tonight I wished upon a star
And forgot where I parked my car
But I don’t have a place to drive it anyway
Sometimes I wonder where you are
I wonder if you’ve gone to far
For me to find you and to get you back again
But that’ll change tomorrow (Chorus)
People might say that I’m dazed but,
I’m only in love with you
Walking around in a haze but,
I’m only in love with you. Thinking to drown my sorrow
I’ll figure it out tomorrow
But I look in your eyes and then suddenly
Everything is clearer again…. (Pause) People might say that I’m dazed but,
I’m only in love with you
Walking around in a haze but,
I’m only in love with you. Thinking to drown my sorrow
I’ll figure it out tomorrow
But I look in your eyes and then suddenly
Everything is clearer again
(Rise code by 2 points at the end of “again”, then begin chorus again) People might say that I’m dazed but,
I’m only in love with you
Walking around in a haze but,
I’m only in love with you. Thinking to drown my sorrow
I’ll figure it out tomorrow
But I look in your eyes and then suddenly
Everything is clearer again…. (End of Symphony) [Daniel Merriweather – Dazed Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Arthur Movie (2011)
Name "Arthur" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Daniel Merriweather - Dazed Soundtrack Lyrics

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