
Ben Gibbard - When The Sun Goes Down Soundtrack Lyrics

Ben Gibbard – When The Sun Goes Down Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Arthur” Movie (2011) ]  When the sun goes down, down on your street
Oh, let me be the one you meet
In the lamplight hung when the night has just begun And though you fear where shadows fall
There’s nothing there to harm you at all
Uncover your eyes, presume uncertain skies And rise, arise
Step into the night, it’ll be alright When the sun goes down, down on your street
And you’re feeling strangely incomplete
Oh, please don’t grieve for days that fell like leaves Under a moon that hangs from silver strings
We know not what this darkness brings
The stars all gleam with possibilities And rise, arise
Step into the night, it’ll be alright When the sun goes down, down on your street
Oh, let me be the one you meet
For I’ve waited years for you to return to me So rise, arise
Step into the night
Yes rise, arise
And step into the night
Rise, arise
And step into the night, it’ll be alright [Ben Gibbard – When The Sun Goes Down Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Arthur Movie (2011)
Name "Arthur" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Ben Gibbard - When The Sun Goes Down Soundtrack Lyrics

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