
Scott Porter and the Glory Dogs - Pretend Soundtrack Lyrics

Scott Porter and the Glory Dogs – Pretend Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Bandslam” Movie (2009) ]  Say, won’t you stay?
We could talk about nothing at all.
We’ll sit here and make up the words,
As we go along The games we could play,
Maybe silently write us a song,
Quietly shout from the roof,
That we don’t belong, They told me, “Maybe she’s crazy”,
A little like you were,
Everyone said you were nothing but trouble
And, all that I know is that I’ve never
been here before.
And, no I’ll never leave if its alright
with you, were dreaming emotions,
While jumping in puddles,
And, all of my life,
I pretend you were there by the door,
I don’t wanna pretend anymore, Strange, oh so strange,
When it feels that being alone,
makes something that’s nobody else,
and setting it strong.
And then you,
Came along,
Your reflection was so sad and slow,
It made me believe once again,
That I could belong. They told me, “Maybe she’s crazy”,
A little like you were,
Everyone said you were nothing but trouble
And, all that I know is that I’ve never
been here before.
And, no I’ll never leave if its alright
with you, were dreaming emotions,
While jumping in puddles,
And, all of my life,
I pretend you were there by the door,
I don’t need to pretend anymore, And it hurts to know,
There was somebody out there,
That’s strange and as beautiful,
As you,
If I fall, sooner. Maybe she’s crazy,
A little like you were,
Everyone said you were nothing but trouble,
All that I know is that I’ve never been here before.
And no I’ll never leave if its alright
with you, were dreaming emotions,
While jumping in puddles,
And, all of my life,
I pretend you were there by the door,
I don’t need to pretend anymore. (Background Chorus) I don’t need to pretend anymore,
I dont need to pretend anymore,
I don’t need to pretend anymore, [Scott Porter and the Glory Dogs – Pretend Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Bandslam Movie (2009)
Name "Bandslam" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Scott Porter and the Glory Dogs - Pretend Soundtrack Lyrics

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