
The Burning Hotels - Stuck In The Middle Soundtrack Lyrics

The Burning Hotels – Stuck In The Middle Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Bandslam” Movie (2009) ]  I got in, you got out
I walked in, you walked out As usual I’m stuck in the middle I’m closer to closure
Admitting that it’s over As usual I’m stuck in the middle And now you know that you control everything
As usual I’m stuck in the middle
And now I’m drowning in myself again
Yes, I’m drowning in myself again Whiter night, I am dead
Whiter night, I am dead
Whiter night, I am dead
Whiter night, I am dead Who knows how I got out
Who knows how I got out
As usual I’m stuck in the middle You show us, just shut up
I told you that you would mess up
As usual I’m stuck in the middle
Now you know, that I control everything now. As usual I’m stuck in the middle
And I am Sorry if they’re a bit off.
I tried as best as I could. [The Burning Hotels – Stuck In The Middle Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Bandslam Movie (2009)
Name "Bandslam" Movie (2009)

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The Burning Hotels - Stuck In The Middle Soundtrack Lyrics

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