
Robin Wright-Penn - Gently As She Goes Soundtrack Lyrics

Robin Wright-Penn – Gently As She Goes Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Beowulf” Animation (2007) ]  Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes Eyes, blue as the sea and the sky
Water flows, water flows
Heart running like fire in the night
Gently as she goes la, lalalalalalala
la lala, la lala
la, lalalalalalala
Gently as she goes Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes Eyes, blue as the sea and the sky
Water flows, water flows
Heart running like fire in the night
Gently as she goes [Robin Wright-Penn – Gently As She Goes Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Beowulf Animation (2007)
Name "Beowulf" Animation (2007)

Picture/Poster Cover

Robin Wright-Penn - Gently As She Goes Soundtrack Lyrics

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