
Betty Buckley - I Can See It (The Fantasticks) Soundtrack Lyrics

Betty Buckley – I Can See It (The Fantasticks) Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway” Musical (2012) ] Beyond that road lies a shining world.
Beyond that road lies despair.
Beyond that road lies a world that’s gleaming.
People who are scheming.
Never a pain or care.
He’s liable to find a couple of surprises there. There’s a song he must sing;
It’s a well-known song.
But the tune is bitter
And it doesn’t take long to learn! I can learn!
That pretty little world that beams so bright.
That pretty little world that seems delightful
Can burn! Burn! Burn!
Let me learn! Let me learn! For, I can see it!
Shining somewhere!
Bright lights somewhere invite me to come there
And learn!
And I’m ready! I can hear it!
Sirens singing!
Inside my ear I hear them all singing
Come learn! Who knows, maybe
All the visions I can see
May be waiting just for me
To say take me there, and Make me see it!
Make me feel it!
I know it’s so
I know that it really
May be!
Let me learn! I can see it!
(He can see it!)
Shining somewhere!
(Shining somewhere!) Those lights not only glitter
But once there they burn! I can hear it!
(He can hear it!)
Sirens singing!
(Sirens singings!) Don’t listen close
Or maybe you’ll never
Return! Who know, maybe
All the visions that I (he) sees
May be waiting just for me (him) to
Say I can see it!
Shining somewhere!
Let me see it!
Take me there
And make me a part of it! Make me see
Those shining sights inside of me!
(Make him see it!) Make me feel
Those lights inside
Don’t lie to me!
(Make him feel it!) I (he) know(s) it’s so —
I (he) know(s) that it really may be! Just what I always waited for!
This is what my life’s created for! Let me (him) learn! [Betty Buckley – I Can See It (The Fantasticks) Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway Musical (2012)
Name "Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway" Musical (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Betty Buckley - I Can See It (The Fantasticks) Soundtrack Lyrics

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