
Champion - Backing Off Soundtrack Lyrics

Champion – Backing Off Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Radio Rebel” TV (2012) ]  People are backing off
You get used to it
I’ve got used to Quit
Always makes me tick People are backing off
No one’s ever It
We all hit or miss
You can choose and pick People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off People are backing off
Some are lining up
People are looking up
and they’re locking up People are cracking up
People are blowing up
People are crashing up
And they’re covering up People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off People are backing off
Always makes me sick
Some are shutting up
Others giving up People are backing off
Mates are breaking up
Some are making up
We’re all sharing up People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off People are backing off
You get used to it
I’ve got used to quit
Always makes me tick People are backing off
No one’s ever it
We all hit or miss
You can choose and pick People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off
People are backing off [Champion – Backing Off Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Radio Rebel TV (2012)
Name "Radio Rebel" TV (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Champion - Backing Off Soundtrack Lyrics

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