
The Acorn - Almanac Soundtrack Lyrics

The Acorn – Almanac Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Crazy, Stupid, Love” Movie (2011) ]  There’s a season in your eyes
and a fever on your breath
you’re anchored to the tide
and the rhythm in your chest I read the rings and count the city lights
you sing a static sonnet on the dial
you could talk a walk, through the mines
or you could spend all your days
just waiting for the night the stones that skip, the dust that turns to fire
I see it all reflected in your eyes [The Acorn – Almanac Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Crazy, Stupid, Love Movie (2011)
Name "Crazy, Stupid, Love" Movie (2011)

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The Acorn - Almanac Soundtrack Lyrics

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