
Thievery Corporation & David Byrne - The Heart's A Lonely Hunter Soundtrack Lyrics

Thievery Corporation & David Byrne – The Heart’s A Lonely Hunter Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Crazy, Stupid, Love” Movie (2011) ]  (Robert Manuel Garza, Eric Hilton, David Byrne feat. David Byrne) The truth is unspoken, a promise is broken
I’m under surveillance, they know what my name is
I need some protection, some love and affection
There’s 1000 reasons but one is the number Welcome to my spaceship
It’s beautiful forever
Well, she’s right here where you left her
And the heart’s a lonely hunter Save bottles of water and flour and sugar
Turn off the AC and hang up the bed sheets
Cover the windows, careful when the light goes
Yank out the cable and blow out the candles Welcome to my spaceship
You’re beautiful forever
She’s right here where you left her
And the heart’s a lonely hunter Perfectly molded, almost unfolded
Under the counter well, that is your nature
Drip grind or roasted, buttered or toasted
The greater the DB’s the higher the AC Psycho acoustics down in the black seats
Stereo nation, amplification
The brave and the righteous, they’re safe in their houses
Now one is just a number, the heart’s a lonely hunter
One is a number, heart is a hunter
One is a number and heart is a hunter Welcome to my spaceship
You’re beautiful forever
She’s right here where you left her
And the heart’s a lonely hunter Welcome to my spaceship
You’re beautiful forever
She’s right here where you left her
And the heart’s a lonely hunter [Thievery Corporation & David Byrne – The Heart’s A Lonely Hunter Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Crazy, Stupid, Love Movie (2011)
Name "Crazy, Stupid, Love" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Thievery Corporation & David Byrne - The Heart's A Lonely Hunter Soundtrack Lyrics

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