
Jack Johnson - Jungle Gym Soundtrack Lyrics

Jack Johnson – Jungle Gym Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Curious George” Animation (2006) ]  The city is my jungle gym
Look at this big great world that we’re living in
There’s lots of fun to be had on these streets
We can take a ride just you and me
It’s a jungle gym
It’s a jungle gym
Trolley cars and buses too
All the big kids going to school
I’m going to get a treat from the ice cream man
Catch me catch me if you can
It’s a jungle gym
The city’s nitty gritty but it’s so much fun
We can take a ride go tell everyone
It’s a jungle gym
Sha la la la la la la la la la
These streets have got a rhythm
It’s a funky beat
The more I learn inside the city
The more I learn in me
It’s a jungle gym
It’s a jungle gym
Movie theatres and museums
Fishing in the pond
ABC’s 123’s bring your friends along
Flying kites way up high into the blue sky
We can take a ride
Just you and I
It’s a jungle gym
It’s a jungle gym!
Sha la la la la la la la la la
This city’s nitty gritty but it’s so much fun
We can take a ride go tell everyone
It’s a jungle gym
It’s a jungle gym [Jack Johnson – Jungle Gym Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Curious George Animation (2006)
Name "Curious George" Animation (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jack Johnson - Jungle Gym Soundtrack Lyrics

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