
Jack Johnson - People Watching Soundtrack Lyrics

Jack Johnson – People Watching Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Curious George” Animation (2006) ]  Well I’m just people watching
The other people watching me
And we’re all people watching
The other people watching we
We’re as lonely as we wanted to be
We’re all as lonely as we wanted to be
Just as lonely as we wanted to be
I’m just you, you’re just me
But it’s only true if we believe
Well there really ain’t no use in stopping
What nobody never told me not to do
So I’ll keep people watching, watching me now
Finding my way back to you
We’re as lonely as we wanted to be
We’re all as lonely as we wanted to be
I’m just as lonely as I wanted to be
I’m just you, you’re just me
But it’s only true if we believe
I see so many feet going so many ways
People passing by, they got nothing to say
All on our own, just watching and confused
Nobody told me what to do
I can’t stop breaking all the rules
And I’m just people watching
The other people watching me
We’re all people watching
The other people watching we
We’re as lonely as we wanted to be
We’re not so lonely as we wanted to be
I’m just as lonely as I wanted to be
Not so lonely
Lonely, lonely, lonely [Jack Johnson – People Watching Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Curious George Animation (2006)
Name "Curious George" Animation (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jack Johnson - People Watching Soundtrack Lyrics

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