
Carbon Leaf - The Friendship Song Soundtrack Lyrics

Carbon Leaf – The Friendship Song Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey” Animation (2010) ]  I want to be the smile
I want to see the change
I want to be your friend from the start and once it starts it never ends
I want to be your pal
I want to be around
I want to be a friend when you are down
I want to be the sunshine on your smiling face I want to be the moon
No, I want to be the ocean
Where all we do is float under the sun on the rolling sea
Whoa, I want to be the sunshine,
No I want to be the moonshine
I want to be the nighttime lullaby when you are so afraid And I think I found a way to put a smile on your lonely face
I think I found a way, a way to break down all the walls
I think I found a way to say,
I think I found a way to say hello
I think I found a way
Without saying anything at all I think I found a way, a way to break down all the walls
I think I found a way to say,
I think I found a way to say hello
I think I found a way
Without saying anything at all [Carbon Leaf – The Friendship Song Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey Animation (2010)
Name "Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey" Animation (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Carbon Leaf - The Friendship Song Soundtrack Lyrics

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