
Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five Soundtrack Lyrics

Dave Brubeck Quartet – Take Five Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Ginger & Rosa” Movie (2013) ] Won’t you stop and take
A little time out with me
Just take five
Stop your busy day
And take the time out
To see if I’m alive Though I’m going out of my way
Just so I can pass by each day
Not a single word do we say
It’s a pantomime and not a play Still, I know our eyes often meet
I feel tingles down to my feet
When you smile, that’s much too discreet
Sends me on my way Wouldn’t it be better
Not to be so polite
You could offer a light
Start a little conversation now
It’s alright, just take five
Just take five Though I’m going out of my way
Just so I can pass by each day
Not a single word do we say
It’s a pantomime and not a play Still, I know our eyes often meet
I feel tingles down to my feet
When you smile, that’s much too discreet
Sends me on my way Wouldn’t it be better
Not to be so polite
You could offer a light
Start a little conversation now
It’s alright, just take five
Just take five [Dave Brubeck Quartet – Take Five Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Ginger & Rosa Movie (2013)
Name "Ginger & Rosa" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five Soundtrack Lyrics

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