
Rosi Golan - Think Of Me Soundtrack Lyrics

Rosi Golan – Think Of Me Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Dear John” Movie (2010) ]  When you hear but you just don’t listen
When you’re looking but you just don’t see
When you’re thinking there’s no rhyme or reason
Think of me
Think of me When you’re getting to the end of a hard day
And you’re thinking it’s a long way home
When you’re thinking that you’re just plain crazy
Because you’re on your own
Think of me I will find you, I promise
I will make you believe, oh
That I’m in this crazy love for the long haul
So think of me
Think of me When you’re laying on my favorite pillow
All you want to do is fall asleep
When you’re gazing out the bedroom window
Please think of me
Think of me When you’re driving down an empty highway
You’re surrounded by the sky and sea
When you’re seeing such a thing of beauty
Do you think of me?
Think of me I will find you, I promise
I will make you believe, oh
That I’m in this crazy love for the long haul
So think of me
Think of me ‘Cause if I make you a promise
That’s a promise that I’ll keep
And I’m in this crazy love for the long haul
So think of me
Think of me And I’ll be home soon
I’ll be home soon
I’ll be home soon
Home to you
‘Cause if I make you a promise
That’s a promise that I’ll keep And I’m in this crazy love for the long haul
So think of me
Think of me Yeah, I’m in this crazy love for the long haul
So think of me
Think of me [Rosi Golan – Think Of Me Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Dear John Movie (2010)
Name "Dear John" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Rosi Golan - Think Of Me Soundtrack Lyrics

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