
El Debarge - How Can You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics

El Debarge – How Can You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Jumping the Broom” Movie (2011) ]  You know what?
You’re such a perfect lover,
And baby you can do better than me,
But you stuck by me like a soldier,
Sweet loving until,
That’s right baby!
Set me up on a pedestal,
Still love me wrong or right,
It’s a mystery why I’m so lucky,
I keep trying to figure it out! [Chorus:] Tell me how can you love me so much, girl?
Put up with all of the crazy things I do
How can you love me so much, baby?
I can always count on you. I think you’re trying to tame me,
Yes, you are!
But I don’t think you tryna change me no,
Say I’m your diamond in the rough
Your baby your man (Yes I am)
I’m so unpredictable,
Yet your love’s unconditional for me.
I wanna know why! [Chorus:] Tell me how can you love me so much, girl?
Put up with all of the crazy things I do
How can you love me so much, baby?
I can always count on you. I recall so many days,
Walk through the door and brought home all my selfish ways,
But you remained just as beautiful,
You never ever ever change,
Your love is strong,
It goes on and on. Girl, put your weight on my shoulders,
I’ll carry you, that’s what good lovers do!
Pamper, stroke and please and hold ya,
Girl tonight, this is all about you. [Chorus /w ad-libs: x2] Tell me how can you love me so much, girl?
Put up with all of the crazy things I do
How can you love me so much, baby?
I can always count on you. You’re special girl, you’re special baby [El Debarge – How Can You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Jumping the Broom Movie (2011)
Name "Jumping the Broom" Movie (2011)

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El Debarge - How Can You Love Me Soundtrack Lyrics

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