
Jarvis Cocker - Fantastic Mr. Fox AKA Petey's Song Soundtrack Lyrics

Jarvis Cocker – Fantastic Mr. Fox AKA Petey’s Song Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Fantastic Mr. Fox” Animation (2009) ]  ‘Bout a handsome little fox
Let me sing you folks a yarn
Hey, diddle-dee, duddle-da,
doddle-do, doodle-dum ‘Twas a splendid little fella
Full of wit and grace and charm
Say zippy-zee, zappy-za,
yappy-yo, goggle-gum Well, like any little critter needing
Vittles for his little-uns
Well, he stole and he cheated
And he lied just to survive With a doodle-dum, diddle-da,
With a zippy-zo, zippy-zay,
zippy-zappy-zoopy-zee Oh, doo-dah, doo-dah, day! Let me take a little tick now
To color in the scene
‘Cross the valley lived 3 yokels
Name of Boggis, Bunce and Bean Now these 3 crazy jackies
Had our hero on the run
Shot the tail off the cuss
With a fox-shooting gun
But that stylish little fox
Was clever as a whip
Dug as quick as a gopher
That was hyperactive Now those 3 farmers sit
‘Twhere there’s a hole ’twas once a hill
Singing diddle-dee, duddle-da,
doddle-do, doodle-dum And as far as I can reckon
They’re sitting up there still
Singing zippy-zee, zappy-za, yoppy-yo… [Jarvis Cocker – Fantastic Mr. Fox AKA Petey’s Song Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Fantastic Mr. Fox Animation (2009)
Name "Fantastic Mr. Fox" Animation (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jarvis Cocker - Fantastic Mr. Fox AKA Petey's Song Soundtrack Lyrics

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