
Frightened Rabbit - Swim Until You Can't See Land Soundtrack Lyrics

Frightened Rabbit – Swim Until You Can’t See Land Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “21 and Over” Movie (2013) ] I salute at the threshold of the North Sea of my mind
And I nod to the boredom that drove me here to face the tide
And I swim, I swim, oh swim Dip a toe in the ocean, oh how it hardens and it numbs
The rest of me is a version of man built to collapse in crumbs
And if I hadn’t come now to the coast to disappear
I may have died in a landslide of rocks and hopes and fears So I swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? Up to my knees now
Do I wade? Do I dive?
The sea has seen my like before, though it’s my first and perhaps last time
Let’s call me a baptist, call this a drowning of the past
She is there on the shoreline throwing stones at my back So I swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? And the water is taller than me
And the land is a marker line
All I have is a body adrift in water, salt and sky So I swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Swim until you can’t see land
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand?
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand?
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand?
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand?
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand?
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand?
Are you a man? Are you a bag of sand? [Frightened Rabbit – Swim Until You Can’t See Land Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 21 and Over Movie (2013)
Name "21 and Over" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Frightened Rabbit - Swim Until You Can't See Land Soundtrack Lyrics

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