
Paolo Nutini - Million Faces Soundtrack Lyrics

Paolo Nutini – Million Faces Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Grey’s Anatomy 3” TV (2007) ]  Oh the phone you know it never stops, it’s the last thing I hear at night
And the first thing I hear in the morning.
And as I start to let it burn my head, you slowly creep into bed
And i’m done talking
You say you know how i’m feeling, I just need to try to settle down Oh a million faces pass my way
Oh they’re all the same, nothing seem to change anytime I look around
Oh who knows just what the future holds
All I want to know is if it’s with you Tired as hell and falling up the stairs, filled with a thousand cares as you walk out from the bedroom
Though it feels like all my fire has gone, you just turn me on
Can’t believe how much I want you
You say you know how i’m feeling, I just need to try to settle down Oh a million faces pass my way
Oh they’re all the same, nothing seem to change anytime I look around
Oh who knows just what the future holds
All I want to know is if it’s with you We’re distracted by the hard times, and the troubles that we make
Let us throw them in the ocean, let it wash our cares away
Oh the phone you know it never stops, it’s the last thing I hear at night
And the first thing in the morning Oh a million faces pass my way
Oh they’re all the same, nothing seem to change anytime I look around
Oh who knows just what the future holds
All I want to know is if it’s with you We’re distracted by the hard times, and the troubles that we make
Let us throw them in the ocean, let it wash our cares away
Oh the phone you know it never stops, it’s the last thing I hear at night
And the first thing in the morning Let it wash our cares away, let it wash our cares away… [Paolo Nutini – Million Faces Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Grey's Anatomy 3 TV (2007)
Name "Grey's Anatomy 3" TV (2007)

Picture/Poster Cover

Paolo Nutini - Million Faces Soundtrack Lyrics

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