
Jesus Jackson - Running On Sunshine Soundtrack Lyrics

Jesus Jackson – Running On Sunshine Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Grey’s Anatomy 3” TV (2007) ]  Girl you got me tripping on sunshine
God knows you just made my day
Since you came around, no
I just can’t slow down, no
I wanna see you walk in my walk Girl you got me thinking about diving
And get down on one knee, maybe two
People may stop and stare, but
I don’t even care, no
Just as long as I’m with you You got me running on sunshine
Ain’t no clouds getting in my way
I must be running on sunshine
Ain’t no rain getting in my way Girl you got me acting real crazy
Chasing tail like some old dog
Oh I got this rocket
In my friendly pocket
Ready to explode like a bomb Something tells me you made me lose it
Cause everything keeps shaking around
We can cut the rule
Make these walls go boom
We can do this right here and now You got me running on sunshine
Ain’t no clouds getting in my way
I must be running on sunshine
Ain’t no rain getting in my way (2X)
Hey just get over yourself
This thing is to good for you help
Hey just get over yourself Girl you got me tripping on sunshine
God knows you just made my day
Since you came around, no
I just can’t slow down, no
I wanna see you walk in my walk Girl you got me thinking about diving
And get down on one knee, maybe two
People may stop and stare, but
I don’t even care, no
Just as long as I’m with you You got me running on sunshine
Ain’t no clouds in my know
I must be running on sunshine
Ain’t no rain getting in my way You got me running on sunshine
Ain’t no rain getting in my way
I must be running on sunshine
Ain’t no rain getting in my way (6X)
No doubt, no doubt about it
And there ain’t no clouds in my sky [Jesus Jackson – Running On Sunshine Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Grey's Anatomy 3 TV (2007)
Name "Grey's Anatomy 3" TV (2007)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jesus Jackson - Running On Sunshine Soundtrack Lyrics

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