
Paul Oakenfold & William Ross - Carol Of The Bells Soundtrack Lyrics

Paul Oakenfold & William Ross – Carol Of The Bells Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Harold And Kumar 3” Movie (2011) ]  Hark! how the bells, sweet silver bells
All seem to say, throw cares away.
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer
To young and old, (meek and the bold)
Ding, dong, ding, dong, that is their song,
With joyful ring, (all caroling)
One seems to hear words of good cheer
From everywhere, (filling the air)
O, how they pound, raising the sound
O’er hill and dale, telling their tale Gaily they ring, while people sing
Songs of good cheer, christmas is here!
Merry, merry, merry, merry christmas!
Merry, merry, merry, merry christmas! On, on they send, on without end
Their joyful tone to every home
(Hark! how the bells, sweet silver bells
All seem to say, throw cares away.)
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer
To young and old, (meek and the bold)
Ding, dong, ding, dong, that is their song
With joyful ring, (all caroling.)
One seems to hear words of good cheer
From everywhere, (filling the air)
O, how they pound, raising the sound
O’er hill and dale, telling their tale Gaily they ring, while people sing
Songs of good cheer, christmas is here!
Merry, merry, merry, merry christmas!
Merry, merry, merry, merry christmas! [Paul Oakenfold & William Ross – Carol Of The Bells Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Harold And Kumar 3 Movie (2011)
Name "Harold And Kumar 3" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Paul Oakenfold & William Ross - Carol Of The Bells Soundtrack Lyrics

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