
Augie Rios - Donde Esta Santa Claus Soundtrack Lyrics

Augie Rios – Donde Esta Santa Claus Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Harold And Kumar 3” Movie (2011) ]  Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?
Donde esta Santa Claus,
And the toys that he will leave?
Mamacita, oh, where is Santa Claus?
I look for him because it’s Christmas Eve I know that I should be a-sleeping,
But maybe he’s not far away,
So out of the window I’m peeping,
Hoping to see him in his sleigh I hope he won’t forget to crack his castanets,
And to his reindeer, say,
“Oh! Pancho, Oh! Vixen, Oh! Pedro, Oh! Blitzen,”
Ole! Ole! Ole! (Santa Claus!) Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?
Oh, Where is Santa Claus?
It’s Christmas Eve I know that I should be a-sleeping,
But maybe he’s not far away,
So out of the window I’m peeping,
Hoping to see him in his sleigh I hope he won’t forget to crack his castanets,
And to his reindeer, say,
“Oh! Pancho, Oh! Vixen, Oh! Pedro, Oh! Blitzen,”
Ole! Ole! Ole! (Santa Claus!) Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?
Oh, Where is Santa Claus?
It’s Christmas Eve Oh where is Santa Claus?
It’s Christmas Eve Alright, Mamacita…I go sleep now. [Augie Rios – Donde Esta Santa Claus Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Harold And Kumar 3 Movie (2011)
Name "Harold And Kumar 3" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Augie Rios - Donde Esta Santa Claus Soundtrack Lyrics

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