
Harper Simon - Wishes And Stars Soundtrack Lyrics

Harper Simon – Wishes And Stars Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Girls Vol.1” TV (2012) ] Everyone seems so certain
Everyone knows who they are
Everyone’s got a mother and a father
They all seem so sure they’re going far
They all got more friends than they can use Except me ‘cause I’m a fool
I’m as simple as a bee
As a melody in C
But it don’t matter
There are more wishes than stars Every guest
So pleased with themselves
They’re brimming with success
Their whole life’s been blessed
But it don’t matter Everyone’s been on a holiday in the sun
Or they just got back from one
All they do is just have fun
They all got more friends than they can use I’m not too certain about many things
I’m not too sure who I am
I ain’t got no mother and I ain’t got no father
I ain’t got no girlfriend to hold my hand I’m slow like the trees when they grow
I’m sluggish like the ocean when it moves
I’m plain like water or like rain
But I shouldn’t complain cause it don’t matter There are more wishes than stars
More wishes than stars [Harper Simon – Wishes And Stars Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Girls Vol.1 TV (2012)
Name "Girls Vol.1" TV (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Harper Simon - Wishes And Stars Soundtrack Lyrics

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