
Harry Nilsson - Miss Butter's Lament Soundtrack Lyrics

Harry Nilsson – Miss Butter’s Lament Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Frances Ha” Movie (2013) ] Waiting around for the first breath of spring
Nobody else seems to care
She waits patiently for the knowledge that she will
Have so much to give to someone Waiting around for the knock at the door
Gentleman callers beware
Hoping to see all the flowers and candy he’s offered her
In every dream she’s ever had Mmmmmmm
She don’t mind all the waiting around for someone to come along
Knows she’s about to be found before too long
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba She don’t mind all the waiting around for someone to come along
Knows she’s about to be found before too long Waiting around for the first breath of spring,
She never noticed the snow on the ground.
Spring never made it;
Somebody delayed it
For her again
Like the year before
And the year before
And the year before
And the year before
And the year before [Harry Nilsson – Miss Butter’s Lament Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Frances Ha Movie (2013)
Name "Frances Ha" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Harry Nilsson - Miss Butter's Lament Soundtrack Lyrics

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