
John Hawkes - Bred And Buttered Soundtrack Lyrics

John Hawkes – Bred And Buttered Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Winter’s Bone” Movie (2010) ]  This is your’s now
The keys are in it
But take it slow
For you should know
That you are precious cargo You have lost time
And you’ve lost kin
You never run
From the shape you’re in You find your nerve
You kick the drum
You don’t forget
Where you come from Arms around your ailing mother
You are bred and buttered I’m sorry you
Found me like this
Under the ice
Sleeping with fin
I dream for you
To keep this land
You spilled your blood
I give my hands You find your nerve
You kick the drum
You won’t forget
Where you come from Put your arms around your failing mother
You are bred and buttered Keep your arms around your faded mother
You are bred and buttered [John Hawkes – Bred And Buttered Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Winter's Bone Movie (2010)
Name "Winter's Bone" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

John Hawkes - Bred And Buttered Soundtrack Lyrics

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