
Katherine McPhee - The 20th Century Fox Mambo Soundtrack Lyrics

Katherine McPhee – The 20th Century Fox Mambo Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Smash” TV (2012) ]  Karen: At Paramount it’s “Oh la la”
The Warner Bros. “Cha cha cha”
And L.B. Mayer loves his schmaltz
So M.G.M. made the great waltz But the 20th Century Foxtrot
It’s precious – but precious, it’s not hot
To make the big boys hire me
Please make that rhythm fiery Come on boys and girls – make me over In this factory where dreams can true
Are you ready to make someone new
You’re the team that must teach me to do
The 20th Century Fox Mambo Done the homework and I’ll pass the test
I’ll do whatever my teachers suggest
I can do it clothed or undressed
The 20th Century Fox Mambo Make it up, shake it up
Let the fantasies begin
Here’s the dope
To get cast, change the past
Make the light just right for Cin-emascope Take a gamble cuz it’s safe to bet
Mr. Zanick ain’t seen nothin’ yet
When we’re finished he’ll never forget
This 20th Century Fox (For fame – play the game – change your name -to the 20th Century Fox) Make it up – shake it up
Make me feel like the main attraction
Change the clothes, fix the nose
And then 5,6,7,8
Action! (Action!) Now I’m blonde but I ain’t so dumb (No)
Hollywood will be under my thumb (Yes)
I’ll change partners until I become The 20th Century Fox
Mambo! [Katherine McPhee – The 20th Century Fox Mambo Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Smash TV (2012)
Name "Smash" TV (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Katherine McPhee - The 20th Century Fox Mambo Soundtrack Lyrics

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