
The Dickies - Banana Splits Soundtrack Lyrics

The Dickies – Banana Splits Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Kick-Ass” Movie (2010) ]  Tra la la tra la la la
Tra la la tra la la la
Tra la la tra la la la
Tra la la tra la la la One banana two banana three banana four
All bananas make a split so do many more
Over hill and highway the banana buggies go
Come along to bring you the banana splits show Four banana three banana two banana one
All bananas playing in the bright warm sun
Flipping like a pancake popping like a cork
Fleagle bingo drooper and snorkmaking up a mess of fun Making up a mess of fun
Making up a mess of fun
Lots of fun for every Onefour banana three banana two banana one
All bananas playing in the bright warm sun
Flipping like a pancake popping like a cork
Fleagle bingo drooper and snork [The Dickies – Banana Splits Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Kick-Ass Movie (2010)
Name "Kick-Ass" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Dickies - Banana Splits Soundtrack Lyrics

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