
Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed Soundtrack Lyrics

Ellie Goulding – Starry Eyed Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Kick-Ass” Movie (2010) ]  Oh, oh, starry eyed
Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit me with lightning Handle bars, and then I let go, let go for anyone
Take me in, and throw out my heart and get a new one Next thing we’re touching
You look at me it’s like you hit me with lightning
Ahhh Oh, everybody’s starry-eyed
And everybody goes
Oh, everybody’s starry-eyed
And my body goes
Whoa oh oh ah ah
Whoa oh oh ah ah
Whoa oh oh So we burst into colors, colors and carousels,
Fall head first like paper planes in playground games Next thing we’re touching
You look at me it’s like you hit me with lightning
Ahhhh Oh, everybody’s starry-eyed
And everybody goes
Oh, everybody’s starry-eyed
And my body goes
Whoa oh oh ah ah
Whoa oh oh ah ah
Whoa oh oh Next thing we’re touching (x8) Hit me with lightning Oh, everybody’s starry-eyed
And everybody goes
Oh, everybody’s starry-eyed
And my body goes (x2) whoa oh oh ah ah (x3) [Ellie Goulding – Starry Eyed Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Kick-Ass Movie (2010)
Name "Kick-Ass" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed Soundtrack Lyrics

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