
Langhorne Slim & The Law - The Way We Move Soundtrack Lyrics

Langhorne Slim & The Law – The Way We Move Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “21 and Over” Movie (2013) ] There we are standing in the shooting stars,
in our houses in our cars
You didn’t know it, now you do
this is the way we move In the belly of the whale
In my bedroom I can’t sleep
And all my friends got crooked tales
That’s the way I like it
That’s just what I need and Chorus:
Here we are standing in the shooting stars
In our houses, in our cars
you didn’t know it, now you do
this is the way, this is the way we move In the belly of the whale
in my bedroom I can’t sleep
and all my friends got crooked tales
that’s the way I like it that’s the company I keep Chorus:
Here we are standing in the shooting stars
In our houses, in the ashes, the bars
you didn’t know it, now you do
it happens to be the way, the way you move In the belly of the whale, in the belly of the beast
At the last supper honey,
Make sure you get something, something to eat Here we are standing in the shooting stars
In our houses, in our cars
you didn’t know it, now you do
This is the way, this is the way we move
This is the way, this is the way we move
This is the way, this is the way we move
This is the way [Langhorne Slim & The Law – The Way We Move Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 21 and Over Movie (2013)
Name "21 and Over" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Langhorne Slim & The Law - The Way We Move Soundtrack Lyrics

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