
Laura Palmer’s Prom - You Say Party! Soundtrack Lyrics

Laura Palmer’s Prom – You Say Party! Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Arbitrage” Movie (2012) ] Sing with me tonight
Love in a room alright
Dance to your heart’s delight
Dance up a storm tonight ‘Cause my heart needs a love dance
My heart needs a love dance
Could your heart use some romance
‘Cause my heart needs a love dance I wrap my arms around you and pull you to my chest
Narrow is the doorway when I will attest
That I am for you, you’re not ever alone
Words in these moments, forever untold ‘Cause my heart needs a love dance
My heart needs a love dance
Could your heart use some romance
‘Cause my heart needs a love dance My heart needs a love dance My heart, my heart, my heart I run away, I run away, I run away [Laura Palmer’s Prom – You Say Party! Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Arbitrage Movie (2012)
Name "Arbitrage" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Laura Palmer’s Prom - You Say Party! Soundtrack Lyrics

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