
Lia Ices - Love Is Won Soundtrack Lyrics

Lia Ices – Love Is Won Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Girls Vol.1” TV (2012) ] O you know I need your mystic mind
For you are leading us towards the un-blind
We know that magic is a part of life
Love is won when we aren’t bound by time When we have animals, we’ll start a tribe
You’ll be the shepherd as we all head towards the un-blind
Feel into fault and now we feel too deep
O love is won when we are bound and still feel free A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
And I’m about to pounce
So I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out I would fall into a valley so low
O love is won when we don’t need free to grow
We can go higher says your mystic mind
Unbind the time and go on up towards the un-blind A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
And I’m about to pounce
So I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out [Lia Ices – Love Is Won Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Girls Vol.1 TV (2012)
Name "Girls Vol.1" TV (2012)

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Lia Ices - Love Is Won Soundtrack Lyrics

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