
Marideth Sisco - Fair And Tender Ladies Soundtrack Lyrics

Marideth Sisco – Fair And Tender Ladies Soundtrack Lyrics  come all you fair and tender ladies
take warning how you court your men
there like a star on a summer morning
they first appear and then there gone they’ll tell to you some loving story
then they make you think that they love you well
then away they’ll go to court some other
and leave you there in grief to dwell i wish i was on some tall mountain
where the ivy rocks are black as ink
i’d write a letter to my false true lover
whose cheeks are like the morning dew oh love is handsome love is charming
and love is pretty while it’s new
but love grows cold as love grows old
and fades away like morning dew (repeat chours) [Marideth Sisco – Fair And Tender Ladies Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Winter's Bone Movie (2010)
Name "Winter's Bone" Movie (2010)

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Marideth Sisco - Fair And Tender Ladies Soundtrack Lyrics

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