
Mikeschair - Otherside Soundtrack Lyrics

Mikeschair – Otherside Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Breaking The Press” Movie (2011) ]  I’ve medicated lies for far too long
I’ve been living in a place that’s not my home Ive painted layer on layer to cover it all
But just a taste of your glory is never enough
Just a taste of your glory is never enough Cause I want to live on the otherside
I want to live on the otherside
I want to live on the otherside
And swim in the Jordan With an eye to the heavens
I’ve been counting the days
Impatiently waiting preparing the way And when I finally see you, your face in the clouds
I’ll hear the tongues of the nations, singing aloud
I’ll hear the tongues of the nations, singing aloud Cause I want to live on the otherside
I want to live on the otherside
I want to live on the otherside I can feel it washing over
I can feel it washing over, over me [Mikeschair – Otherside Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Breaking The Press Movie (2011)
Name "Breaking The Press" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Mikeschair - Otherside Soundtrack Lyrics

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