
Mr. Big - Strike Like Lightning Soundtrack Lyrics

Mr. Big – Strike Like Lightning Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Navy Seals” Movie (2012) ] I can see the look in your eyes
I can see it took you by surprise
each day I search to find the answers why
each night I say a prayer for you Strike like lightning the thunder in my eyes
out of the darkness the winner will survive
strike like lightning the fire in your eyes
straight to the heart now lighning tracks the sky You can see it in everything I do
we’re turning back to our win of lose
every day I push the limit once again
every night I make it all come true then I Strike like lightning the thunder in my eyes
out of the darkness the winner will survive
strike like lightning the fire in your eyes
straight to the heart now lightning tracks the sky Each day I search to find the answers why
each night I say a prayer for you a prayer for you Strike like lightning the thunder in my eyes
out of the darkness the winner will survive
strike like lightning the fire in your eyes
straight to the heart now lightning tracks the sky Strike like lightning the thunder in my eyes
out of the darkness the winner will survive
strike like lightning the fire in your eyes
straight to the heart now lightning tracks the sky [Mr. Big – Strike Like Lightning Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Navy Seals Movie (2012)
Name "Navy Seals" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Mr. Big - Strike Like Lightning Soundtrack Lyrics

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