
Mutemath - You Are Mine Soundtrack Lyrics

Mutemath – You Are Mine Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Never Back Down” Movie (2008) ]  Everyone has their obsession
Consuming thoughts, consuming time
They hold high their prized possesion
That defines the meaning of their life (chorus)
You are mine (x2)
You are mine, all mine
You are mine (x3)
You are mine, all mine
You are mine There are objects of affection
That can mesmorize the soul
There is always one addiction
That just cannot be controled (chorus x2) You are mine
You are mine
You are
You are
You are mine (x4) Everyone has their obsession
Consuming thoughts, consuming time
They hold high their prized possesion
They hold high their prized possesion… (chorus) [Mutemath – You Are Mine Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Never Back Down Movie (2008)
Name "Never Back Down" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Mutemath - You Are Mine Soundtrack Lyrics

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