
Pearl Jam - Why Go Soundtrack Lyrics

Pearl Jam – Why Go Soundtrack Lyrics  She scratches a letter
Into a wall made of stone
Maybe, someday another child
Won’t feel as alone as she does It’s been two years and counting
Since they put her in this place
She’s been diagnosed
By some stupid fuck and Mommy agrees Why go home?
Why go home?
Why go home? She seems to be stronger
But what they want her to be is weak
She could play, pretend
She could join the game, boy
She could be another clone Why go home?
Why go home?
Why go home?
Why go home? What you taught me, put me here
Don’t come visit, Mother
Sing it Oh, why go home?
Why go home?
Why go home?
Why go home? What you taught me, put me here
Now don’t visit Mother, Mother Why go home?
Why go home?
Why go home? [Pearl Jam – Why Go Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Pearl Jam Twenty Movie (2011)
Name "Pearl Jam Twenty" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Pearl Jam - Why Go Soundtrack Lyrics

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