
The Locarnos - Don't Give Me A Hard Time Soundtrack Lyrics

The Locarnos – Don’t Give Me A Hard Time Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Post Grad” Movie (2009) ]  What do you say
when people turn you away?
Do you just turn your back
and quickly walk away?
Or do you say no let me in
it’s where im supposed to be?
Or do you say no let me in
im not here to bleed? bop bop ba-da-da da ta,
bop bop ba-da-da da. (X2) My world is on fire now
My world is turned upside down
and I don’t know what to do
without you bop bop ba-da-da da ta,
bop bop ba-da-da da (X4) Well let me in, its where im supposed to be
let me in im not here to bleed.
let me in, its where im supposed to be
Don’t give me a hard time. don’t give me a hard time. dont dont dont stop me,
dont dont try and stop me now!
I do what I like. Whoa-o-o, whoa-o-o!
whoa-o-o. (X2) bop bop ba-da-da da ta,
bop bop ba-da-da da (X8) Well let me in, its where im supposed to be
let me in im not here to bleed.
Let me in, its where im supposed to be
Don’t give me a hard time. what do you say, what do you say
when people turn you away?
do you just turn your back, do you just turn your back
and quickly walk away? what do-you say, what do-you say?
no let me in it’s where im supposed to be!
Well let me in!
Dont give me a hard time. [The Locarnos – Don’t Give Me A Hard Time Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Post Grad Movie (2009)
Name "Post Grad" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Locarnos - Don't Give Me A Hard Time Soundtrack Lyrics

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