
Erik Idle / Don Rickles - If I Didn't Have You Soundtrack Lyrics

Erik Idle / Don Rickles – If I Didn’t Have You Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Quest For Camelot” Cartoon (1998) ]  Cornwall-
I’d be rocking with the dinos
Swinging with the rhinos
I’d de-dragonize this cave in a minute
Cornwall, they would sing
‘Cause I would be the dragon king
I would love this world without you in it!
If I didn’t have you! Devon-
If you didn’t have me? Cornwall-
If I didn’t have you! Devon-
Well, how about if I didn’t have you, huh? Both-
Oh, what I could be if there was only me!
Oh, what I’d do if I didn’t have you! Kayley-
Stop bickering and get your act together. Devon-
Act? Did someone say act? I can act!
If only I had seperate parts
My career would be the arts
I’d be the star of Camelot
You’d be the half that the whole world forgot!
If I didn’t have you! Cornwall-
I should be so lucky! Devon-
If I didn’t have you! Cornwall-
Oh, wait! You’d be dead! Both-
Oh, what I could be if there was only me!
Oh, what I’d do if I didn’t have you!
Oh, what I’d do if I didn’t have you! Devon-
Trapped! Aah! Trapped! Cornwall-
Stuck here with you for 500 years! Devon-
Oh dear, it’s learned to count. Cornwall-
If you’d got me a good lawyer I would have split 400 years ago. Devon-
Now, listen here, pal! I didn’t come here to be insulted! Cornwall-
Oh? Where do you usually go? Devon-
I’d be a fire-breathing lizard! Cornwall-
I’d be one high-flying wizard! Devon-
You’d be nothing without me! You’d be extinct! You’d cease to be! Cornwall-
I’m so tired of your nagging! Devon-
And I’m so tired of your bragging! Cornwall-
Without me you’d have no brain. . . Both w/ Background Voices
. . . with which to think! Cornwall- Devon-
I’d be rocking with the dinos If only I had
seperate parts
Swinging with the rhinos
I’d de-dragonize this cave in a minute My career would be the
Cornwall, they would sing I’d be the star of
‘Cause I would be the dragon king Both-
I would love this world without you in it!
If I didn’t have you! Background Voices-
If I didn’t have you! Both-
If I didn’t have you! Background Voices-
If I didn’t have you! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Devon-
This way!
Let me lead! Background Voices-
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Cornwall-
No, this way, twinkletoes! Both-
Life could be so sweet if these were both my feet!
What I’d do if I didn’t have you! Devon-
I got you, babe! Both-
Oh, what I’d do if I didn’t have you! Well, if I didn’t,
oh, if I didn’t,
have you! Cornwall-
Thank you very much! Devon-
Thank you very much! Cornwall-
Thank you! Devon-
Devon has left the building! Cornwall-
You’ve never sung before have you? [Erik Idle / Don Rickles – If I Didn’t Have You Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Quest For Camelot Cartoon (1998)
Name "Quest For Camelot" Cartoon (1998)

Picture/Poster Cover

Erik Idle / Don Rickles - If I Didn't Have You Soundtrack Lyrics

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