
LeAnn Rimes - Looking Through Your Eyes Soundtrack Lyrics

LeAnn Rimes – Looking Through Your Eyes Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Quest For Camelot” Cartoon (1998) ]  Look at the sky
Tell me what do you see
Just close your eyes
And describe it to me
The heavens are sparkling
With starlight tonight
That’s what I see
Through your eyes I see the heavens
Each time that you smile
I hear your heartbeat
Just go on for miles
And suddenly I know
My life is worth while
That’s what I see
Through your eyes Chorus:
Here in the night
I see the sun
Here in the dark
Our two hearts are one
It’s out of our hands
We can’t stop what we have begun
And love just took me by surprise
Looking through your eyes I look at myself
And instead I see us
Whoever I am now
It feels like enough
And I see a girl
Who is learning to trust
That’s who I see through your eyes (Chorus) And there are some things we don’t know
Sometimes a heart just needs to go
And there is so much I’ll remember
Underneath the open sky with you forever (Chorus) [LeAnn Rimes – Looking Through Your Eyes Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Quest For Camelot Cartoon (1998)
Name "Quest For Camelot" Cartoon (1998)

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LeAnn Rimes - Looking Through Your Eyes Soundtrack Lyrics

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