
Richie Havens - Hardline Soundtrack Lyrics

Richie Havens – Hardline Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Navy Seals” Movie (2012) ] Midnight, Streetlight, shadows touch your face
Whisper “good night”, though I want you so to stay [Chorus] I’m standing on a hardline, taking my sweet time
Praying that you’ll see why and slowly change
I’m fighting on the front line
victim of a hard crime
can’t just let you steal mine away Listen, reasons, never will explain
Freedom is just a safe time,
’till I’m strong enough to bend and not break (Chorus) Well I need your touch, don’t give up
Don’t shut me down, I’ll open up
If you just try to love me I’m standing on a hardline, victim of a hard crime
can’t just let you steal mine, away. [Richie Havens – Hardline Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Navy Seals Movie (2012)
Name "Navy Seals" Movie (2012)

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Richie Havens - Hardline Soundtrack Lyrics

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