
Schuyler Fisk - You Hung the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics

Schuyler Fisk – You Hung the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Oranges” (2012) Movie ] You put the sun back in it’s place
You put the smile back on my face
Don’t have any sorrow anymore
You took all my heartaches and showed them the door Whenever you leave me you know I’m blue
So baby, please come home soon
I look at the sky and think of you
Cause after all you hung the moon You took all my pieces and made me new
I’d still be broken, baby, without you
You got the know how so show me the way
Let’s build a love never gonna change Whenever you leave me you know I’m blue
So baby, please come home soon
I look at the sky and think of you
Cause after all you hung the moon Robin’s are singing the whole word’s in bloom
That’s how I feel when you walk in the room Whenever you leave me you know I’m blue
So baby, please come home soon
I look at the sky and think of you
Cause after all you hung the moon I look at the sky and think of you
Cause after all you hung the moon [Schuyler Fisk – You Hung the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Oranges (2012) Movie
Name "The Oranges" (2012) Movie

Picture/Poster Cover

Schuyler Fisk - You Hung the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics

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