
Mr. Hankey - Santa Claus is on His Way Soundtrack Lyrics (with Kyle)

Mr. Hankey – Santa Claus is on His Way Soundtrack Lyrics (with Kyle) [ from “South Park: Chef Aid, Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics” TV (1998) ]  Mr. Hankey: Santa Claus is on his way
He’s loaded goodies on his sleigh
To drop them off on Christmas Day
And I’ll say Howdy Ho! Kyle: Mr. Hankey, shhhh! I’ll get in trouble! Mr. Hankey: Folks will gather ’round the fire
Sing a song, join the choir
Pretty soon they’ll all retire
And I’ll say Howdy Ho! Gerald: Kyle, what are you doing in there? Kyle: Nothing! Gerald: Open this door! Mr. Hankey: I hope that Santa comes real soon
And brings a- Gerald: Kyle!?! [Mr. Hankey – Santa Claus is on His Way Soundtrack Lyrics (with Kyle)]

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Soundtrack Information

Category South Park: Chef Aid, Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics TV (1998)
Name "South Park: Chef Aid, Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics" TV (1998)

Picture/Poster Cover

Mr. Hankey - Santa Claus is on His Way Soundtrack Lyrics (with Kyle)

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