
Sugar Ray - Into Yesterday Soundtrack Lyrics

Sugar Ray – Into Yesterday Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Surf’s Up” Animation (2007) ]  The sky turns to a different shade of blue
After the rain
Her mind turns to a different point of view
After the rain Ooh, my, my
Ooh, my, my
Ooh, my, my, I know Like the ocean meets the moon to take the tides away
All we need’s a little more time to chase the blues away
Sun is out and it feels like it’s always gonna stay
Let this last forever, turn tomorrow into yesterday Now all those clouds have nothing left to do
After the rain
And all those doubts have drifted out of you
After the rain Ooh, my, my
Ooh, my, my
Ooh, my, my, I know Like the ocean meets the moon to take the tides away
All we need’s a little more time to chase the blues away
Sun is out and it feels like it’s always gonna stay
Let this last forever, turn tomorrow into yesterday Like the ocean meets the moon to take the tides away
All we need’s a little more time to chase the blues away
Sun is out and it feels like it’s always gonna stay
Let this last forever, turn tomorrow into yesterday, into yesterday [Sugar Ray – Into Yesterday Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Surf's Up Animation (2007)
Name "Surf's Up" Animation (2007)

Picture/Poster Cover

Sugar Ray - Into Yesterday Soundtrack Lyrics

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