
The Fresh Beat Band - Great Day Soundtrack Lyrics

The Fresh Beat Band – Great Day Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Fresh Beat Band Vol. 2” TV (2012) ] Twist: Goes a little something like this, c’mon- Band: Laaa, la, la, la, la, laaa. Laa, la, la, la, la, la. Chorus: We had a great day. It was a super way to spend some time together. We had a great day. The very best day. And nothing could be better (BETTER). Kiki: All the music we’ll play. It’s always a great day. And nothing could be better. Anytime we get together. Chorus: We had a great day. It was a super way to spend some time together. We had a great day. The very best day. And nothing could be better. Twist: We’ll sing and we’ll play. We’ll kick it our way. Twist & Shout: We’ll hip hop and pop. Band: The music party won’t stop (STOOOP)! (episode specific content) Chorus: We had a great day. It was a super way to spend some time together. We had a great day. The very best day. With friends its always better. Twist: Goes a little something like this, c’mon- Band: Laa, la, la, la, la, la. Laa, la, la, la, la, la. [The Fresh Beat Band – Great Day Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Fresh Beat Band Vol. 2 TV (2012)
Name "The Fresh Beat Band Vol. 2" TV (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Fresh Beat Band - Great Day Soundtrack Lyrics

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