
VV Brown - Bottles Soundtrack Lyrics

VV Brown – Bottles Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Back-up Plan” Movie (2010) ]  How can I find the way to tell you this:
But things you seem to do all over me
Read the dictionary
Understand the meaning: ‘I want you to myself exclusively’ Kinda funny how the love has come and gone
Not trying to look grown
To all the fellas trying to look
I’m sorry that I took available out Sitting on the car seat
Six by the back street
Five on the concrete (How many bottles on the…)
Four by the window
Three in the shadow
Two only but
You’re my one only bottle on the wall I tell no lie you made me fall blind to all the other guys within my life
It’s not complicated when you find the one it’s easy to begin to realise Kinda funny how the love has come and gone
Not trying to look grown
To all the fellas trying to look
I’m sorry that I took available out Sitting on the car seat
Six by the back street
Five on the concrete (How many bottles on the…)
Four by the window
Three in the shadow
Two only but
You’re my one only bottle on the… Seven in the cafe’
Six in the alley
Five by the motorway (How many bottles on the…)
Four on the underground
Three in the jail pound
Two only but
You’re my one only bottle on the wall I knew that if I fell in love, then yess it would just be
Oh no, but then the world became so linear to me Sitting on the car seat
Six by the back street
Five on the concrete (How many bottles on the…)
Four by the window
Three in the shadow
Two only but
You’re my one only bottle on the… Seven in the cafe’
Six in the alley
Five by the motorway (How many bottles on the…)
Four on the underground
Three in the jail pound
Two only but
You’re my one only bottle on the wall [VV Brown – Bottles Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Back-up Plan Movie (2010)
Name "The Back-up Plan" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

VV Brown - Bottles Soundtrack Lyrics

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