
Les Paul & Mary Ford - How High the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics

Les Paul & Mary Ford – How High the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Blind Side” Movie (2009) ]  Somewhere there’s music
How faint the tune
Somewhere there’s heaven
How high the moon
There is no moon above
When love is far away too
Until it comes true
That you love me as I love you Somewhere there’s music
It’s where you are
Somewhere there’s heaven
How near, how far
The darkest night would shine
If you would come to me soon
Until you will, how still my heart
How high the moon Somewhere there’s music
How faint the tune
Somewhere there’s heaven
How high the moon
There is no moon above
When love is far away too
Until it comes true
That you love me as I love you Somewhere there’s music
It’s where you are
Somewhere there’s heaven
How near, how far
The darkest night would shine
If you would come to me soon
Until you will, how still my heart
How high the moon Somewhere there’s music
How faint the tune
Somewhere there’s heaven
How high the moon
There is no moon above
When love is far away too
Until it comes true
That you love me as I love you Somewhere there’s music
It’s where you are
Somewhere there’s heaven
How near, how far
The darkest night would shine
If you would come to me soon
Until you will, how still my heart
How high the moon Somewhere there’s music
How faint the tune
Somewhere there’s heaven
How high the moon
There is no moon above
When love is far away too
Until it comes true
That you love me as I love you Somewhere there’s music
It’s where you are
Somewhere there’s heaven
How near, how far
The darkest night would shine
If you would come to me soon
Until you will, how still my heart
How high the moon yeah [Les Paul & Mary Ford – How High the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Blind Side Movie (2009)
Name "The Blind Side" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Les Paul & Mary Ford - How High the Moon Soundtrack Lyrics

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